L298 IC:
A very popular and reasonably priced all-in-one H-bridge motor driver is
the L298. It can control two motors, not just one. It can handle 2 amps per
motor, though to get the maximum current be sure to add a heat sink. The L298
has a large cooling flange with a hole in it, making it easy to attach a
homebrew metal heat sink to it.If there’s a downside to the L298 it’s that it
comes in a special “Multiwatt 15” package, with 15 offset pins that don’t match
the standard 0.100" spacing of breadboards. But with care, the pins can be
rebent as needed. Or you may prefer to simply get a breakout board for
the L298, which is a small circuit board with holes drilled in it to accept the
chip. You then plug the breakout board into your breadboard. Problem solved.The
schematic below shows a basic connection diagram for controlling two motors
using the L298 motor bridge IC. There are three input pins for each motor:
Input1, Input2, and Enable1 controls Motor1. Input3, Input4, and Enable2
controls Motor2. The motors connect to Output1/Output2 and Output3/Output4, as
The L298 uses two different
supply voltages. The voltage on pin 9 powers the chip itself and should be 5
volts. The voltage on pin 4 supplies the motors, and it can be up to 46 volts.
Let’s look at how to control
just one of the motors, Motor1. In order to activate the motor, the Enable1 line
must be HIGH. You then control the motor and its direction by applying a LOW or
HIGH signal to the Input1 and Input2 lines, as shown in this table.
Input1 |
breaks and stops*
turns forward
turns backward
breaks and stops*
* To coast a motor to a slower
stop, apply a LOW signal to the Enable1 line.
The L298 does not have built-in
protection diodes, so you’ll need to add those. The datasheet for the L298
specifies “fast recovery” 1-amp diodes; an inexpensive selection is the 1N4933,
available from most online electronic parts outlets.
L298 based Motor Driver
Fig. of Motor Driver
Maximum motor supply voltage:
Maximum motor supply current:
2A per motor
Current Sense for each motor
Heat sink for better
Power-On LED indicator
Using the board to drive motor
Motor driving is extremely simple with the
board. The board has two ChannelsA and B. It has 2 inputs and 2 corresponding
outputs for each Channel. Each channel also has an enable pin and a sense pin.
The Input pins are the labelled as INP A and INP B. The enable pin is labeled As
EN A and EN B, and the sense pin is labelled as SNS A and SNS B.To drive a DC
motor in a particular channel, the enable pin of the Channel has to be supplied
with a logic high (+5V) signal. Then, a logic high signal has to be supplied to
the input pins to control the direction of the motor. Supplying logic high to
any one of the input pins will drive the DC Motor in one direction. On supply
logic high to the other Input pin, the motor will run in the opposite direction.
Supplying logic high to both input pins will brake the rotation of the motor
and Supplying a logic low (0V or Gnd) signal to both the input pins will allow the
DC motor to rotate freely.The sense pin can be used to sense and limit the
amount of current the motor in corresponding channel is consuming. By default
this option is not enabled on the board and the sense pin is directly connected
to GND through a jumper.
Internal and external logic supply for the
The L298 requires an input voltage of 5V for its operation.
The board has an on board 5 V regulator (LM7805) for the same. It takes the motor
input voltage and regulates it to 5V. The regulated voltage can also be
supplied to external circuits and can be tapped through the 5V and Gnd header
The on board voltage regulator can work on
a maximum input voltage of 35 V. If you wish to drive motors with voltages
greater than 35 V, you will have to supply external 5 V for the board, and cut of
the input supply to the on board regulator. This will prevent it from getting
damaged due to a high input voltage. You can do this by de-soldering the jumper
on the bottom side of the board between Pin 1 of the voltage regulator and the+ve
Input Voltage pin.
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